Cottage Pain Clinic

This standard treatment has been proven to be a successful medical regime in use for over 40 years.  The average efficacy is a 63% reduction per day in the Total Pain Related Index. The elements include sensory qualities, affective qualities and evaluative words that describe the individuals overall intensity of their total pain experience.
We are confident that you will be satisfied, and will be pleased with the results.
We have discontinued our Mobile Service and are presently manufacturing our units for home use.  We have found that the units we now produce can be used at home, anytime that the pain is experienced.  Our original pain study showed that using the unit under very controlled conditions, the proceedure was highly effective and subsequent improvement in the technology has allowed the new portable units to be a very cost effective method of treatment.


For information or inquiries on referral from your medical proffessional,
please contact us at


MASOR® is a registered Canadian Trade Mark, with Canadian and U.S. patents and is
used under license by the Cottage Pain Clinic.

©Cottage Pain Clinic - Almaguin Higlands Ontario 2011-2024

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"No part of this web site may be reproduced by any method (electronic, verbal, written or fax) or used for any other purpose such as medical/legal matters, (except for referral - Form PDF). The information contained in this format is dealing with a more broad discussion of service which may or may not arise.
Each document is taken on its own merits and the presumed truthfulness of the parties involved.
Cottage Pain Clinic reserves the right to take action where required if this condition is breached."